Tuesday 13 March 2012

Biped and Physique Modifier

For the biped & physique modifier i first off created my biped man which i then changed the bones,toes etc. I then positioned my biped man where i then created footsteps for him to follow.


For this exercise i used the morpher in 3D Max. I firstly imported the head into 3D Max then cloned this 3 times, my first mistake i make was cloning the head using the instance option rather then copy which i noticed when editing my first head. After i copied 3 extra heads i then converted each in to and editable poly which then allowed me to edit each other the heads. i created 3 different expressions one being a mouth open another raised eyebrows and finally eyes closed. I then used to morpher tool adding all three expressions heads in the channels option. This allowed my first imported head to have all three expresions on one model. I also turnt on turbo smooth to give a more smoother effect of the model head.

I then brought in the animation side of things, i switched on auto key and then chagned to the expression numbers at different parts of the time line. Once i done that i was then able to if i needed to go in to the curve editor which would allow me to edit each expression.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

My story board

For my animation i have decided to story board how i hope to make my sequence play out.

Dope sheet

For next part of this exercises i worked on the dope sheet side to animating. I copied over my sphere to give myself 3 different bouncy balls to create. this is where i then began to use my dope sheet by rearranging and changing the length of time allowed me to create my bouncing ball sequence

Path Constraint

For this exercises i simply created a sphere in 3d max a circle which surrounds my shape. I then added a camera on the my space which i then used path constraints to allow me to use the camera to follow the circle path round the sphere when played.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Last 6 weeks

Over the last 6 weeks i defiantly feel i have made a huge progress with 3D max, Considering i had never used this software before i was quite surprised what i was able to produce.

I mostly enjoyed learning how to used all the tools in 3d Max as i could use these an awful lot in my models.

At first i did struggle with some of the tasks but after trying and reading how to use the tools i found myself learning a huge amount which i found quite enjoyable.

Animation in 3D

For my animation in 3D Max i used the tool auto key. I firstly started by turning on autokey, at different stages i changed the position of my ball. Once changing each position i then turned off my auto key which then allowed me to play back my animation of my bouncing ball.

Final 3

My final 3 Models. For my main model i decided to design it on the Ariel screw, which i then done a further two models one being the Anometer and the second being my platform with steps for my Ariel screw. All 3 can be seen below.

Adding texture to my platform with steps

For my final model my platform with steps i decided to go on the Internet to find a dark and old type wood which would have been appropriate for this type of model, Below is the wood type texture in which i used.

Adding Texture to my Ariel Screw

For my last step in creating my Ariel screw i had to finally add my materials. After looking at 3d max materials and textures decide to find my own on the Internet i used the two materials seen below one being a soft white wood texture and the other a old Plain wood texture.