Tuesday 31 January 2012


For my array exercise i had to use the line tool to draw out my shape. Once completing this  i then turned in to an editable poly which i then extruded in order to create my shape 3D. In order to create more then one i then had to go in to my array settings which allowed me to get the repetitve sequence changing the numbers to get 9 gave me the result above. I found this tool simple enough to use and very effective. 


For this piece I used the tool boolean in order to create a letter in printed in to the box. To started off with I created a large box which I used as my base I then created my letter. When trying out the boolean tool I noticed a few lines appear in the final step which is seen below on my green box. So after coming across this situation I then looked at using the pro boolean tool which allowed me to get rid of the faint lines and give a better result, this is my blue box one below. This difference between the two is slightly noticeable but would appear more when rendered. I found this tool a bit of a challenge because the letter first off would not imprint in to the box but after playing around i finally managed to get the tool working


For my next piece in 3D max i looked at Lofting. 

Below you can see how i have played about with the scale points in order to make the spirals different sizes thought out. I was able to create this shape by playing with the width and height to create the thinness and thickness, After doing all this i ended up with this spiral below. 

Research Leonardo Da Vinci!

For my research i decided to look at all types of inventions which Leonardo discovered. whilst researching i found a number of inventions from flying machines, War machines ,Architect/Innovations & Water & Land Machines. When looking in to each of these categories i didn’t actually realise how many inventions would have been possible to find.

Whilst going through the inventions some which caught my eye was the 'Anemometer' 

I liked the look of this invention to possibly create because i liked the shapes on this invention. A couple of others i looked in to was hes 'flying machine'. 33 Barrelled Organ, Triple Barrel Canon, Giant Crossbow' and Robotic Knight. These stood out to me because i found them inventive and interesting to look at doing for my model.

Whilst researching in to Da Vinci i learnt a lot on how man inventions he had thought up which i found very imaginative and cleaver although not all were fully made such as the ariel screw he had all the methods and information for it to work.

Below is my mood board on Da Vinci.

Lathing - Using illustrator - Goblet

For this exercise I first started of by drawing out half of a goblet shape, only drawing out half was needed.  Once I drew out my first shape which Is shown above I then imported this in to 3D Max, which I then placed my pivot as centre and inline as possible on the half way point of my imported picture. Once my pivot was inline I then chose lathe in the modifier which finally gave me my final goblet which is seen below. I found drawing in illustrator first easy as i have used this software before so this  process was quick and simple for me. 

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Apple - Low Poly Modelling

Here i have created a real looking apple which allowed me to used new tools. First of all i created a simple circle which i then converted to an editable poly. Once converted this then allowed me to play around and make the apple look more realistic. I added a deep dent to the top of the apple to allow me to place the stem inside, I then added a few slight dents to make the shape not so smooth and perfect as apples are not like this. I then created my second shape for the steam which i placed in the deep dent made to create the final piece for my apple.

After all this my final completed apple looked like this:

First Building - Tower Bridge

For my first experiment in 3d Max I chose to try and create a tower bridge model. To do this i first started by creating a cylinder shape which I then cloned to allow me to have exactly the same shape for the opposite side. Then I created my squares which also were cloned. Eventually once all my shapes were drawn I then aligned my 3 shapes which were on top of one another that being the pyramid, cylinder and square. Once aligned all three shapes were fitted and were inline, To make sure all my pieces were inline and on top of one another I made sure I used all 4 views to allow me to see this. This then gave me my final result as seen below.

Reaction to the brief...

After reading the brief which has been given i feel this will be a challenging yet an insightful module. Looking in to the history of  Leonardo Da Vinci’s Machines researching on what type of model i will be using will also be interesting and different . As i haven't used 3d max software before i am a bit worried about how my work will be but i look forward to learning new skills using this software.