Tuesday 28 February 2012

Platform with steps - Model 3

For my final model i decided to design a platform which the Ariel screw will be situated for people to get on to.  to create my base for the platform i used the boolean tool to create the space for the Ariel screw to sit. Below is my progress on the design of this model.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Part 2 Aerial Screw

Continuing on with my Aerial screw i then went on to using my next tool. For the top of my model i used the lofting tool to do this. I started of by drawing my helix which i then used a rectangle rather then a circle for my path to allow myself to get the flat look. First off i started off using a circle for my path, But when trying to edit i noticed i wasn't going to be able to get the effect i want. I then began to add my final touches this being the sting connecting the screw top to the base. I have yet to add the rest and add my final textures to this model.

Part 1 Aerial Screw

For my second model i decided to go with something more challenging as my first model was quite easy compared to this.

I decided to go with the Aerial screw from Da Vinci.  For my first steps i started by creating a normal cylinder which i then created another to place on top. Once both shapes were created i then used the Boolean tool to give the dent effect of the base. I then added my poles and middle section.

Part 2 Anometer Adding Texture

For the last part of completing my model i decided to go for the plastic texture as when researching i found most Anemometers were made with a plastic texture.

Part 1 - Anemometer 3D Max

Here is my first model i have created out of my three i have chosen to go with this model because this one gained my interest. To create this i had to use a number of shapes for the base placing them on top of one another then aligning making sure they were put in place. I then created the main pole and three attached sticking from the sides. The next part was the three parts which go on the end of the poles. In order to make these look how they should i had to make the an editable poly which i then simply indented them to make them half semi circles. My 3D Max model is shown below.

I am now up to adding the material to the model. 

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Daylight System

For this exercise i experimented with day light saving tool. I followed the tutorial which i then decided to use my own type of materials to create the effect i wanted. I used a mirror base to give the reflection of my shapes. This then gave me the final effect of my image below. I liked this exercise as it really does give off loads off effects. 


For this technique i experimented with the lighting tool. The first lighting tool i used was the omni tool which i used to place on the top of my pumpkin. This then allowed me to gain the lighting effect through the middle of the pumpkin's face. i then used the target spot tool to gain the second lighting effect over the pumpkin, By playing with the density and target hot spot allowed me to gain my lighting effect shown below. I found this quite impressive that you can add this sort of effect to the model.

Tuesday 7 February 2012


For this exercise i had to firstly make sure all the white was away from the leaf in order for it to look realistic in 3D Max. Once this was completed i then created a plane in 3D max which i then added my leaf to my material section which then allowed me to edit the bump in the leaf. when editing the points at the end of the leaves helped make the leaf look more realistic 

After this i then added the shine when adding a shine to my leaf i noticed when you render this is gives you almost a sheet behind the leaf to resolve this issue i added my first leaf image to the specular colour in order to resolve this problem. I found this exercise easy enough but time consuming when deleting all the white around the edges. 


Here is my second piece of work using the materials tool. I used a building with coliseums which i used a marble texture to make it look more realistic. I found using the materials tool easy enough to use. 

Materials - Two Colours

For this exercise i begun to use the material side of 3D Max. First of all i started off by just drawing  To fill this box i used a wood texture to give the effect of a plank of wood.

For my two colour effect i used the tea pot shape  to enable me to use two colour effect one for the lid and another colour for the pot. Below is my models of the materials used.

3 Mood Boards

After doing my research in to Da Vinci's inventions i chose the 3 which i found stuck out to me the most and what i felt were quite creative.

The first was the 'Anemometer' this invention stuck out to me because i just genuinely liked the design of the invention once researching more in to it more and finding out what it is used for and how it was invented i found an interest for it. I found Da Vinci originally designed this to measure the speed and direction of the wind as he had such an interest in flying. I also learnt Da Vinci was not the first to create this device but made variations of the Anemometer. 

Below is my mood board for the Anemometer.

My Second mood board i decided to chose the Aerial Screw I also like this invention because it made me think of how i could use this in 3D Max due to the spiral in this and from my previous work with the Lofting tool. When researching i learnt Da Vinci never actually got the chance to build this invention. This device was designed to compress air which is similar to helicopters today. 

Below is my second mood board for the Aerial Screw.

For my final mood board i chose to base it on the Armoured Car i also liked this invention because of its shape and how i thought i could create myself in 3D Max. When researching this invention i learnt this invention was capable of moving in any direction and was equipped with a number of large weapons. 

Below is my final mood board for the Armoured car.